So, on with the story....This is Emma...
Most of you already know that Mom, Dad, Nicki and Addison are coming to visit for a week right after Christmas. We are all sooooo excited about it. I told Emma that Nicki was going to be sleeping in her room. Emma is very excited about this, and talks non-stop about it. I have to say that she comes up with the cutest things to do and say, and I know that I should blog about them more often, but I don't. Don't ask me why. Yesterday she said she was going to play in her room. I told her that she needed to clean it up too. She loves to clean her room (not sure where she got that from), so off she went! A little while later she called for me to come see her room. She is always so proud of herself. So I walked into her room and this is what she showed me. I will explain after each picture. It's too cute!
She said, "I hid my calculator".
She said, "I put all my writing stuff away".
She said, "I hid all my other stuff". (blanket lifted for your viewing pleasure)
She said, "I made my bed".
And she said, "I put my books together here, and cleaned out a drawer so Aunt Nicki will have somewhere to put all of her stuff!"
It was much funnier yesterday when she showed me, and I guess you just had to have been there. But for any of you who know Emma very well, you know that in order for her to give up ANY of her space, she just really, really must love you! (Even if it is just a night stand drawer!)