Monday, July 2, 2007

To Infinity and Beyond!!!

Another successful birthday party. I sure am glad that we have 6 months between the kids birthday parties because it sure does take a lot out of Bill and I. I do have to brag a little bit and say that I made the cake. Cheri has taught me a lot, so I'm trying to practice as much as I can. Nicholas had a great time being the center of attention, especially when 30 people stood around him and sang "Happy Birthday". He blew out his candle all on his own, even with 16 children standing close by that would have been more than happy to do it for him. He loved all of his gifts. Bill's mom gave him the first Shrek movie, and it was all over after that. He just kept saying "Shrek, Shrek". I should have known better and given him that present to open last. Here it is not even 24 hours after his party and he's already watched it twice! (though not all the way through). He received some pretty cool Toy Story things from us, and his "Aunt" Jenny and "Uncle" Hank. Lots of puzzles and books, a fun slip n' slide that we will try out after he gets up from his nap. Also some books and Thomas The Train stuff. Richard and Cheri and the kids got him this cool race track for little toddlers that he absolutely loves....even Emma wants to play with it a lot. One other thing that his Grandma Latimer gave him was this t-shirt that says "I'm've been warned!" I think that is great! Too funny. Anyway, we had a great time and enjoyed seeing all of our friends and family. It's too bad that we can't get together more often, but I'll take what I can get.


Crystal said...

Looks like a fun birthday! And it sounds like he had quite the guest list! :)

Mickelmonkey Mama said...

Happy Birthday! We love that he loves Toy Story! Austin was into it in such a big way--in fact, we've got a ton of woody and buzz stuff in the garage. . . if you want any more stuff, let me know and we'll send some your way!

Kindall Klan said...

good job mommy and daddy! I hear ya that those parties are exhausting! :) The things we do for our children is right! Love you!

OMA AND OPA said...

Looks like a fun birthday party!! Good job mom and dad! Wish we could have been there too. Love ya lots, oma and opa

christy jensen said...

That cake rocks!!!! I'm truely impressed. Birthday parties are definately an area where I need to improve

mom and dad said...

Wow aren't you clever and talented too. Good job. Happy belated Birthday. Sorry so late, oh well, just now checked the blog. Haven't been around for sometime. Good job though. Love,Aunt RaeDean